The Balancing Act
By Cassandra AntaresDancing between two voids
trying to find mid-ground
when chaos abounds on either side
one side steep into the abyss...
the other side the same
a steep a narrow void
on both sides
in the middle though the dance of joy
walking the tightrope afraid to fall
a balancing act, juggling many balls
strong in the middle,
yet, looking to keep balance
not wanting to slip
holding on with an iron grip
smiling, yet looking around
over the shoulder,
looking for the unexpected
a strong wind that might
throw one off balance
balancing begins.. again
throwing the balls in the air
laughing, and looking straight ahead
one ball slips... you let it fall
as, not to lose balance
and tumble toward the abyss
on either side
A Winter Haiku
Warm coats warm hearts sing loudly
White snow glistening
Gray skies trimmed in white
The sun peaks through puffy clouds
Snowflakes dance in tune
Magic fills the air
Skaters spinning silhouettes
Graceful swans bow down
Kids throwing snowballs
Snowmen smiling on the lawn
Winter breezes blow
Pansies spread open faced along the ground
a stream separates the field down the middle
Water rushing along with a great and thundering sound
winged birds flock to the stream to wet their thirsty souls
One bird perches high on an earthen mound
to drink from the rivulets of water that splash on the ridge
ever gently and cautiously the bird approaches as not to drown
or be overcome in the torrent of swells of water
Anxiously she waits for the right time, moment to be found
to dip her beak into the foaming tides of water that toss to and fro
She spies one trickle, one small trickle in a tiny spurt wown
rushing to it, she drinks her fill satisfied at her skill she flies off
to sit in the rows of beautifully clumped flowers that abound.
My Girl
Bo Jack Russo on Jan 31, 2009I’m not being naughty, I’m just telling the truth…
When I lay down with you
I love to feel your touch
I love to feel your cheek
And the warmth of your blush
I love to caress
Your shoulders
And work away your stress
I have to admit
I enjoy a soft stroke of your breast
I’m not being naughty
I’m just telling the truth
When I am with you
Resistance has no use
I love the way you
Make me feel each day
And the love we make
And your sensual way
You are my purpose
To press forward every day
I could never live
Without you
You know this to be true
I have no qualms
At all
When saying
I love you
You taught me about love
And an openness of heart
I’ll love you
Till my dying day
And hope
We never part
If I spent a day
I surely
Would depart
I could not survive
Without your
Great big heart
A Silent Tongue and a Fluttering Leaf – Part 2
Bo Jack Russo on Jul 18, 2009- Tags: Mountain Snow Tree Lake Poetry Deer wildlife winter thunder boom wind pines Bo Jack writing clouds
Silence, a leaf blowing in the unpredictable wind and the growth and reflection of a would be writer or author. It goes something a little like this…
With a silent tongue watching a leaf fluttering to the ground this is what I saw that cold December day….
I might have cheated a little bit, but if I had any idea how far or much I could grow in this time while still remaining a poet; in my estimation at least I wouldn’t have been able to give you this winter wonderland description, please forgive me
Image via Wikipedia
A lake and wildlife in a winter landscape.
Sitting on the grass, hot chocolate in your hand, at Lake Cuyamaca,early December.
The meadow is green, the birds are chirping and calling, filling the air with a symphony of nature.
The ducks are swimming quietly,and seemingly effortlessly. A splash is heard as a trout jumps out of the water,then back in,creating a rippling effect in the mirror image of the sky, and the burnt orange clouds, big
puffy and pretty.
The sun is setting, spreading purple and blue fiery visions across the sky.
Squirrels gathering around you in search of some food, the fog slowly settling down and rolling toward you.
The deer, timid but graceful, begin to emerge from their hidden landscape utopia, to seek a drink of water under the protection of the dusk. The air quickly growing colder, smelling like rain and the ever present scent of pine.
A gigantic storm cloud roars a thunderous crackling boom, announcing his arrival and dominance over the world below, marking the start of soothing but powerful howls of the wind through the tall life and shelter bearing trees and pines.
Image via Wikipedia
The light and precious mesmerizing snowflakes begin their fluttering journey downward to make this heavenly landscape even more astonishing, as everything begins to slowly turn white.
This is all anyone needs to see to realize this is a free gift from the Power up above……………………
All the while this is happening, I sit with a silent tongue; I’m waiting wondering…what might be next?
Will a simple leaf fly around in the winter mountain air, waiting upon destiny to tell her where to land?
I know not but still she floats, she flutters not knowing quite what to do.
After this of course I ponder mother natures affect on us humans as well as the animals that live or perish at her request.
Then I came upon this and I realized that even though I’m an aspiring writer at heart; I’ll perchance always be a poet in my soul……
If this entire facade or prose means nothing to you it means a lot to me the first thing I ever wrote poetically if you will was under a large pepper tree after summer school after second grade; I wrote about a tree; my original intent was to show how far I’ve come in eight months of my experiment that took me ten million miles away from where I thought it might..
The incredible people and friends I’ve discovered on this internet are an unexpeted bountiful award.
With that said I offer my very first published post that my sis in law told me was good enough to put out for the world to see, so hell I did it and it goes like this……..
Image via Wikipedia
Trees are tall trees are great
Some are tilted some are straight
Leaves are green branches long
A haven for our birds of song
The wind blows through them to and fro
Sometimes fast sometimes slow
Vibrant in summer brown in fall
A few are short but most are tall
Trees are strength trees have might
They shadow the moon in the dark of night
Thick and strong they take deep root
Conceals the owl so he can hoot
When trees are grown they clean the air
Like this one here and that one there
Trees grow well but they grow slow
They look their best when draped in snow
Image via Wikipedia
I would do this so much different today, I really wanted to show how I feel I’ve grown, but I decided I’m proud enough of both of them as they are for a beginner, so what you see is what you get, perhaps another time I’ll revisit this project.
Eight months ago I never knew I’d become The Mighty Mighty Bo Jack, lose my mind, answer challenges; make people laugh about farts or dog crap conduct a train, run a tight ship as Captain, have a copyrighted product called Bo Jack Express Photography where we get the picture; Bo Jack this Bo Jack that.
I thank you all for listening laughing and being there for me.
I now adorn myself to be a leaf with a silent tongue, still not making a sound; the howling mountains have that department covered, I silently float around, I land here, I blow there, my journey is not yet complete.
Before I go now please help lighten my load and lessen my stress,and take a ride on my special Sunday Edition blog of The Bo Jack Express
The mountains the trees and the birds are like life’s breath blowing through a flute;
please just once Triond give me no dispute, I’m still The Bo Jack with no substitute.
Shower Safety Tips, Taking a Shower Can be Very Dangerous, Up to and Including Death
Published by Bo Jack Russo in Humor
October 27, 2009
Please stop shower safety accidents…
OK, there I was, thinking of new ways to take over the world when suddenly I realized the overwhelming danger of taking showers. I decided it would be pertinent to share in the name of public safety some precautions you should take and list some things you should never do when taking a shower.
This list has been approved by the International Shower Safety Coalition, dedicated to stopping the needless shower crimes world wide.
Without further delay let’s start the list.
Image via Wikipedia
You should never take a shower with a running power internal combustion engine lawn mower in the bathroom. The fumes of carbon monoxide mixed with the molecule density changes altered by the steam in the bathroom will enter your nasal cavity and you will die.
Image via Wikipedia
You should never try to start a campfire in the shower. The wood will get wet and the fire will not ignite, you will become frustrated and eventually your back will give out from repeated attempts to start said fire, you will lose balance due to uneven equilibrium pressure, slip, crack your skull and the side of the tub and you will bleed to death. After this you will die.
You should never try to start a fire in the shower, subsection B. After failed attempts at starting a fire in the shower (If you are still alive) you decide technology is needed. So you try to use a curling iron to start the fire; after several failed attempts you feel light headed, feel the balance loss, grab the curling iron with your free hand, and fall. The curling iron will now poke you in the eye and while you feel searing pain you are only semi-conscious, the curling iron melts through your eye into your brain and you subsequently die.
Image via Wikipedia
Never try the old Italian way of making wine when you are taking a shower. Stomping the grapes will increase your heart rate, the shower steam will add to this affect, you will become light headed. Whilst this is taking place, uncrushed grapes will plug the drain; you will slip on the grapes, you will fall with a crashing boom. At this point you either have a broken neck a broken arm, a broken hip or leg and a concussion. You will now drown. After this, you will die.
Image via Wikipedia
Installing an electrical 220 Volt common household appliance outlet into the side of your shower. This can never be good; as we all know that water conducts electricity. This is a recipe for disaster. At the very least you will be electrocuted, die float in the tub like a piece of burnt toast, then you will die. At best you will have a glass shower door, the convulsions from being electrocuted will make you spasm against the glass, you will break it, slice you fingers off, then continue the downward motion, get decapitated. After this you will die.
Never have a plugged in television set with the back off placed close to your shower. This will every single time prove to be too tempting not to touch. At the minimum you will become electrocuted, and subsequently die. At the worst case, a capacitor will explode and shoot through your neck, upper palate, through you brain and out the top of your skull, and then you will die.
You should never read the newspaper in the shower. The paper will fall apart, the ink will run, and when the paper separates, your hands will forcibly move in opposite directions, you will at minimum break a wrist or hand. If you are lucky enough, again you will have the glass shower door to factor in, and will slice your wrist. While not immediately causing death, if you are this stupid, you probably can’t read to begin with and operating a telephone probably exceeds your cognitive abilities. Not just that but you would probably call information to get the number for 911. Chances are you will bleed out. After this, you die.
You should never try to iron your clothes when you are taking a shower, it just won’t work. You may not die but you still can probably find a way because if you are stupid enough to attempt this act, you are obviously an idiot.
You should never try to paint water colors when you are taking a shower. The colors will run and this is so idiotic even your imaginary friend is laughing hysterically at you. If this happens, you are in serious trouble. Get out of the shower and switch to crayons.
Image via Wikipedia
Never try to clean a carburetor in the shower. The solvent will get in your eyes, the soap and water will destroy the jest in the carburetor.
Honorable mention, never try to eat a bowl of cereal or salad in the shower, and never ride a motorcycle in the shower or change the oil, just don’t do it, and don’t try to smoke a cigarette either.
Bo Jack Express Industries, nothing can stop us.
This is a collection of some of the best poetry Triond has to offer. This was all put together by Mnofdichotomy, a popular writer on the site who wanted to give his peers a little more exposure.
Good show MND, and thank you, from Bo.
You can reach everyone's profile/portfolio by clicking on their name just under the title. Happy reading.
For those unfamiliar, Triond is a social writing site; and a gathering forum for some of the best undiscovered talent on the internet. The list of authors, artists, and poets who have gone on to success is long and varied. Here you will find a collection of poems from some of the premier bards of today. You will find the collection amazingly diverse... men and women from all over the world; young and old. The styles vary greatly, from short tongue in cheek pieces to some rather epic in nature selections. From the macabre to romantic, all sorts frequent the halls of triond.
So take a few moments out of your day to visit with the poets here. Rarely will you find a collection of work of this quality for free. Below, you will find a link for each of them, should you like their work... Triond is a good place to begin if you yourself are an aspiring writer.... you can find more info at Triond.com.
So without further ado, let's meet our poets...
Click the title to read the poem.... if you like it, click on the author to see more of their work...
An enchanting short poem that deals with lonliness.
Cafftee is a mother of two with a background in publishing. She enjoys putting the English language together in a way that is expressive and hopefully thought provoking, instead of just accurate and informative!
Words, In Waiting (by Sheila M)
A hopeful poem about things lost, and the promise of tomorrow.
Married with three children, Sheila is one of Triond's published artists. Her work has appeared in numerous poetry anthologies and collections, including 2009 Best of Online Poetry collection.
The Wind and the Sea (by BradONeill)
A touch of the erotic...
BradONeill is hard at work on his new novel.
Cathedral (by BullwinkleMuse)
A genuine masterpiece of descriptive poetry.
BullwinkleMuse is widely regarded by his peers as a master of his craft. He is a married man from Tennessee.
Gossip (by Shelly Barcaly)
One of those wonderful little tongue in cheek poems so astutely accurate you don't realize until you ponder that you've just been taught a lesson...
Shelly Barclay is a 26 year old mother from Massachusetts who has had work published in various spots online.
Devil Dust (by Pablina)
A short, nearly brutal piece of truth.
Pablina hails from Great Brittain, and is a photographer as well as an author.
God Mixes Metaphors (by WriteEditSeek)
A brilliant musing on the mind of the Almighty...
WriteEditSeek has been an editor for a little over 10 years, has a BA in English and is currently pursuing an MS in Holistic Theology. She has an intense interest in religions and spirituality. Her passion is connecting with others who are on this same journey--no matter what beliefs they hold.
Where Did It Go? (by Kristy Elliot)
A beautiful poem that looks through the realities of fading love.
Kristy Elliot is a published author as well; her first book was published in 2008.
An Experiment on the world (by eminemgrl123)
An odd bit of free form writing... but thought provoking...
Eminemgrl123 is our youngest entrants, at just 17.... a writer beyond her years.
Wretched Minds vs. Kind Hearts (by Marie Milton)
A different perspective on the age old 'good vs. evil'
Marie Milton is another British entrant, and also one of our younger writers at just 22.
Lullaby Key (by Sweetievee)
More of a short story than a poem, but poetic nonetheless...
Sweetievee has built a reputation as a passionate writer, and hails from the Buckeye state.
Quiet Chaos (by Isabella Wulf)
The violent nature of nature....
Isabella Wulf is a young author and poet from Texas.
Hyonogogic Drug (by REPuckett)
An introspection of lucid dreams, but from a new perspective...
REPuckett is a veteran and another of Triond's best.
Before The Storm (by Alina Beck)
comfort, love, and rain....
Alina Beck currently lives in Romania where she works for a Christian children's charity. Before that she was a teacher in the UK.
Skate Envy (by Mark Gordon Brown)
A look back at childhood.
Mark Gordon Brown, artist, experimental musician, futurist. Moved from Michigan to Alberta to be with a woman he met on the Internet, both of extreme personality types, who found it hard to meet people in their own areas.
Bombs That We Drop (by Alistair Briggs)
Looks at some of the problems of the world, with a twist.
Alistair Briggs is a 28 year old writer from Glasgow.
Admiration By Reverie (by Ken Bultman)
a description of affection for a friend
Ken Bultman is a retired broadcaster and newspaper reporter from florida.
Irony (by Gringoperry)
A look at man's perspective.
Another of our british writers... and a father.
Disseminated (by mnofdichotomy)
Looking at judgements of ourselves.
Mnofdichotomy is a husband, a father, and almost a writer.
The Dove From Above And A Velvet Glove (by BoJack Russo)
An odd sort of poem about life, anger, and Michael Jackson.
Bo Jack Russo is one of Triond's most popular writers.
This is just a sampling of the Talent at Triond. By all means, investigate. Come and visit us... it costs nothing to join, and we are always welcoming new writers. In the meantime, if you have enjoyed any of the authors here, click onto their name to see more of their work. Thanks for reading!
The Triond Anthology Part II Below...........Enjoy!!
Mnofdichotomy on Jul 30, 2009
I would like to thank Mnodichotomy for putting some serious leg work to put this together for us, I say thanks on behalf of all the Triond folks featured within........
For those unfamiliar, Triond is a social writing site; and a gathering forum for some of the best undiscovered talent on the internet. The list of authors, artists, and poets who have gone on to success is long and varied. Here you will find a collection of poems from some of the premier bards of today. You will find the collection amazingly diverse… men and women from all over the world; young and old. The styles vary greatly, from short tongue in cheek pieces to some rather epic in nature selections. From the macabre to romantic, all sorts frequent the halls of triond.
So take a few moments out of your day to visit with the poets here. Rarely will you find a collection of work of this quality for free. Below, you will find a link for each of them, should you like their work… Triond is a good place to begin if you yourself are an aspiring writer…. you can find more info at Triond.com.
So without further ado, let’s meet our poets…
Click the title to read the poem…. if you like it, click on the author to see more of their work…
Volume II begins here…
Autumn Winds (by Casey Mack)
A beautiful look at the fall in the north country.
Peddler and Poet, Chaser of The Word
The Panic Attack (by Theresacall)
a poem describing the emotions and symptoms of a panic attack.
I am 27 stay at home mother of a beautiful Destiny. I have been writing poetry since age 12.
The Enigma (by SheBear)
Poetry, love, relationships, and courtship…
SheBear is a college graduate who finds writing therapeutic; a good way of putting life in perspective.
Love’s Transforming Gaze (by Katie Marie)
An attempt with words that in no way does justice to the reality of the experience…
A wife, mother and grandmother from Minnesota who often provides a unique perspective through her poetry to some of the common experiences of life.
As I Thought of Us (by Cassandra Anteres)
A beautiful piece about love.
Cassandra Anteres is a writer of poetry,short stories,articles,songs who enjoys it more as each day passes.
Fifty Faces (by REPuckett)
Do you really know who you are? Do you remember who you used to be?
RePuckett is an army veteran and one of triond’s best.
Why I Wear Black (by JohnKing)
A wonderful exploration of heartfelt symbolism…
JohnKing is a follower of Jesus Christ. He is a Poet, a Reporter and Disabled Rights Activist. He is a Movie and Music Critic, Photographer and Digital Artist.
A look at love as we forget it sometimes is…
Among The Buttercups (by Mark Gordon Brown)
A poem about frolicking snowmen.
Mark Gordon Brown is a musician and artist, married to a woman he met on the internet. Mark is considered to be an Absurdist poet.
The Quatoquoth (by Cashmere Lashkari)
A poem about…. stuff, and what we do with it… and a rather ingenious one, at that.
Cashmere Lashkari is a 31 year old mom who is having fun discovering the internet. She has always loved to write and is very happy to have this forum.
About how one partner feels less important in a relationship; a unique partnership, but simultaneously is common in many households.
B Nelson is an animal lover from Canada, she has worked with abandoned and neglected animals most of her life. Currently she spends many hours on the internet trying to help people to be better pet owners
Poetic License (by creaminizer 23)
Assert your freedom of expression. This one may surprise you.
Creaminizer23 hails from New York.
How Long Before Our Demise? (by Marie Milton)
Just a short poem on the state of things as we know them.
Marie Milton is another British entrant, and also one of our younger writers at just 22.
Silent Tongue of a Child (by littlemama76)
A poem to promote child abuse awareness.
Littlemama76 is an aspiring writer and poet who wants to use her writing as a tool to increase child abuse awareness.
The Songwriter (by Kaavs)
A beatutiful poem of dedication
Kaavs is an established author from the United Arab Emirates.
Upon The Alter (by David Crerand)
When we feel most deserted by the divinity we crave, that is when we must cry out to him in earnest.
David Crerand is an author from New York with a fantasy novel in the works.
Desperation (by oldster)
A wonderfully urgent poem…
oldster’s description of oldster…. World weary. Dry sense of humour. Won’t suffer fools.
Where We Are (by HannahNicole)
A look at love’s struggle and tragedy.
HannahNicole is another of our amazingly talented teens.
The Seven Deadly Sins (by Bullwinkle Muse)
A response to a challenge to write a composition giving personification to the seven deadly sins.
BullwinkleMuse is widely regarded by his peers as a master of his craft. He is a married man from Tennessee.
My Battle Against The Beast (by littlekid137)
One person’s battle….
Still another talented youngster.
The Wind (by Bo Jack Russo)
A tale of the wind…
Bo Jack Russo is one of Triond’s most popular writers.
In The Beginning of Time (by maranatha)
It is good to remember…
Maranatha is a 52-year-old mom and grandma who loves God, family, and country in that order. She enjoys hiking, exploring, horses and dogs, sports, creating and decorating, reading, and traveling.
As Each Leaf Falls (by cafftee)
Inspired by a little girl named Amber, taken inexplicably and suddenly from her family…
Cafftee is a mother of two with a background in publishing. She enjoys putting the English language together in a way that is expressive and hopefully thought provoking, instead of just accurate and informative!
A poem that deals with the inner demons and letting them get to you.
A young write, photographer, and “list maker” who is trying to find her niche in the world.
Never Constant (by Shelly Barclay)
Feelings change with every passing day…..
Shelly Barclay is a 26 year old mother from Massachusetts who has had work published in various spots online.
Hopefully you enjoyed the works of our Triond poets…. if so, make sure to check out The Triond Anthology…. Poetry vol. 1 from triond.
Keep reading!
- Tags: anthology, author, collection, creative writing, easy money, free, getting pai, God, how-to, information, making money, making money online, money, online publishing, Opinion, poems, Poetry, profit, publish, religion, Short Stories, story, triond, Writers
A collection of writings from some of the finest writers Triond has to offer.
For those unfamiliar, Triond is a social writing site; and a gathering forum for some of the best undiscovered talent on the internet. The list of authors, artists, and poets who have gone on to success is long and varied. Here you will find a collection of writing from some of the premier authors of today. You will find the collection amazingly diverse… men and women from all over the world; young and old. The styles vary greatly, from short tongue in cheek pieces to some rather epic in nature selections. From the macabre to romantic, all sorts frequent the halls of triond . Whatever your tastes… Short Stories, poems, how to articles, political, cultural, or religious pieces… You’ll find it here. The common thread being that they are written by some talented authors.
So take a few moments out of your day to visit with the writers here. Rarely will you find a collection of work of this quality for free. Below, you will find a link for each of them, should you like their work… Triond is a good place to begin if you yourself are an aspiring writer…. you can find more info at Triond.com.
So without further ado, let’s meet our authors…
How to Break Up with a Girl: The Do’s and Don’ts (Annie Hintsala)
A younger friend of mine recently asked me how to break up with a girl. Here is my answer, with some additions. Take it from an (not too) older girl who’s been on the receiving end of some really lousy breakup lines.
Author’s Notes : Mother of a flying Monkey, teacher, author, artist, grower of yummy things, reader and learner. Oh, and as you can see from the picture, I am also a pirate. On this page you will find articles on teaching, projects, lesson plans, poetry and the occasional short story. Enjoy!
Gusts of Prophetic Wind (Bill M. Tracer)
This is a rather disturbing piece written from the point of view of someone in a coma.
Author’s Notes: I’m both a writer and an artist. Science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, and horror are my fiction genres. I also write speculative nonfiction. I produce most of my art on the computer with either 3D graphic software, or Photo Shop, or a combination of both.
A look at some unusual features of some cats.
Author’s Notes: B Nelson used to write a pet advice column for an Alberta newspaper but now focuses her time writing on the internet. Her primary passion is pets and animals but occasionally ventures into other topics.
Would You Rather Write Online or for a Newspaper or Magazine? (Ben Pearce)
The vision of being able to see your own work published in front of your eyes in a newspaper or magazine is always a goal for the freelance journalist. When the internet became popular, it brought in a whole new era of publishing. Many freelancers dedicate their time to both, what is the better alternative?
Author’s Notes: Having completed a Freelance Sports Journalism course a few weeks, i have expanded my horizons from writing about anything from sport to online writing and even health articles. Triond has taught me a lot and I continue to keep publishing as much of work as possible.
A Poem to inspire, encourage, and remind parents how much their actions affect their children.
Author Notes: Beldobie is a writer from South Carolina.
Who is La Danian Tomlinson? (Bo Jack Russo)
An in depth look from a real pro in the sports writing game about the San Diego Chargers’ star.
Author Notes: Bo Jack is the creator of the popular blog page ‘The Bo Jack Express Daily’.
A Tribute to Matthew Maupin (BradONeill)
A tribute to an unsung hero…
Author’s Notes: You cant offend me don’t even try. Oh hell do, I love a great joke. Please criticize freely and honestly anything I write. I desperately want to get better and I appreciate constructive even biting criticism. I live for comments not views I value your opinion.
Imperium Deceptus (Bullwinkle Muse)
A simply brilliant poem on theology.
Author Notes : Bullwinkle Muse is one of the most talented and respected writers on Triond.
Through The Looking Glass (cafftee)
Another piece on seeing through the eyes of one in a coma… a beautifully poignant piece.
Author’s Notes: Been a writer most of my adult life, but I am new to poetry. It’s become a great therapy and very cathartic to get some of the ’stuff’ going round my head out, organised and on to the page. I hope you like them. Maybe they will speak to you, maybe they won’t. I look forward to some comments.
The Truth About Ghosts (cassandra antares)
A personalized look at the world of the paranormal…
Author’s Notes: I am a freelance writer. My writing consists of poetry, articles, short stories and songs. I am published here at Triond. And at Associated Content ~ where the bulk of my work is posted. There at AC, I am publishing an online paranormal novel.
Playing with Your Dark Half on The Mean Streets (Chris Marlowe II)
Playing with Your Dark Half on the Mean Streets of the Darkness On The Edge of Town… is a Poem, meant as an answer to Update Two of the Chris Marlowe II Whodunnit, published by the Lost Dutchman on the HubPages.
Author’s Notes: Some of you seem to think I’m not real, just a Nickname. Some of you seem to think there is a Puppet Master hiding behind the Mask of Chris Marlowe II. Well, they just may be right… Or wrong. It’s up to you to find out!
A brilliant short story that takes you, as great stories will, to a place you would never have expected…
Author’s Notes: I have been writing short stories for quite a while and had a few published in literary magazines in the mid-90’s. My favorite genres are suspense, horror and science fiction. I have a fantasy novel in the works and am eager to find an audience for my work.
Two men in the Australian bush make a discovery regarding a glowing green…thing (inspired by a comment in one of the Triond forums from one of our favourite Triond members. No second guesses who it is)
Author Notes : Every so often you happen upon a writer who is so different, so talented, that you are forced to take notice. Duff D Moss is a discovery. and his writing is an addiction.
The difference between the truth and a story.
Author Notes : Another of Triond’s rather talented younger writers at just 17, eminemgrl is also possesing of a talent beyond her years.
Mansonite Susan Atkins Denied Parole? I’m Glad! (John King)
This one pretty much explains itself…. an opinion piece from one of Triond’s most prolific writers.
Author’s Notes : John King, Christian,Reporter,Artist, God-loving,friend,brother, and son.
One woman’s personal journey through her first breast biopsy.
Author’s Notes : Katie Marie is a woman from Minnesota who writes mostly poetry but also has a few short stories and articles like the one included here.
Five Ways To Get Your Kids Out of Bed (Karen Gross)
Well, parents, it’s that time of year again. Time to get those kids who have been sleeping until noon for two months up in time for school! Here are a few suggestions that have occasionally worked at my house.
Author’s Notes : Karen Gross is a mom of two teenage girls and a wife of one Hubby for twenty-one years. In a former life she was a teacher and a school librarian, but is now at home trying to figure out how to not let Parkinson’s disease take over her life.
10 Mysterious and Mystical Templar Castles, Churches, and Fortresses (Lauren Axelrod)
The Knights Templar were an organization that fought for the word of God. However, as time went by, their ideals of being soldiers for Christ was not what they expected, nor did it satisfy them. Over time they evolved, and their small society gained presence, and decisions were made in the confines of fortifications all over the world.
Author Note : I am studying to become a doctor of Archaeology, so my education is by far the most important aspect of my life right now. I love Triond! I have been here for 10 months now and relationships are the most important part of this community.
The Upcoming Generation (littlekid137)
Will this generation of kids ruin all that has been set out for them?
Author Notes : Littlekid137 is one of our youngest writers at just 16, but talented beyond his years.
A poem about friendship.
Author’s Notes : Trying to promote child abuse awareness of all shapes and forms. Do all kinds of writing. Better at poems but want to write a book sometime but need a lot of work. Here to get better at write and help kids at the same time.
Careful Seeds of Hope (maranatha)
Rwanda is a war-torn country, its people ravaged and struggling. Yet seeds of hope are being planted for a brighter tomorrow.
Author’s Notes : The writer, Maranatha, lives in the southwest United States. She enjoys researching, learning, and writing both short stories and poetry.
Facts About Puffins (Marie Milton)
Marie’s Icon has been a puffin since her arrival at Triond, but what might have been tongue in cheek is actually rather informative, although it remains her tongue in cheek style.
Author Notes : Marie Milton is another British entrant, and also one of our younger writers at just 22.
Why Political Correctness Was Destined To Fail (Mark Gordon Brown)
A rather unique perspective on a familiar subject, and every bit as thought provoking as he intended.
Author’s Notes : Mark Gordon Brown is an artist and visionary. His different views often expose flaws in our everyday thinking and understanding of our world. Or maybe just cause people to enter into a debate, either way his intent is to provoke new thought.
Writing for Money: Selling Our Souls? (Mnofdichotomy)
Sometimes we get so caught up in marketing what we write that we forget to do it for love of what it is…
Author’s Notes : Mnofdichotomy is a married father of three who likes to pretend he’s a writer…
A wonderful look at our place in the world, or at least one perception of it…
Author’s Notes : World weary. Dry sense of humour. Won’t suffer fools.
Facebook – Changing Times (pablina)
Just over three years ago, the only people who knew what I was doing were my close friends and family. Now the whole world progressively seems to be watching you.
Author’s Notes : Pablina hails from Great Brittain, and is a photographer as well as an author.
Dawn Breaks in London Town (revivor)
Awake at dawn and reflecting on the promise of another day ahead.
Author’s Notes : Revivor is a London boy, a writer, a blogger and a fundraising jogger.
The Only Thing Dry Was the Wine (Rod Ferrandino)
A marvelously written piece about one man’s experience with a tornado…
Author’s Notes : I was the square at the round table.
This is a poem about the cycle of life, told in the most imaginative way as possible.
Author’s Notes : I am a singer/songwriter from India for the band ‘The Rovens’, and i do a bit of composing myself. I love to write, have written an entire set of poetry, and plan to write a book by the end of the year.
A masterful and disturbing poem about introspection…
Author’s Notes: Sheila M is a wife and mother who only finds true peace with her pen.
Disasters That Have Been Caused by Man-Kind (Shelly Barclay)
A brief look at some of the worst disasters in history.
Author Notes : Shelly is a professional writer; her writings can be found on numerous online sites.
The Nihilist Part 3: the Cult of Jingoistic History (STEVE666)
A rather brilliantly written piece of controversy about history…
Author’s Notes : I’ve been writing poems, lyrics, essays, and short stories since I was able to… purely for self interest and amusement. I write about anything and nothing, and much more…
What is a Friend (theresacall)
A poem about true friendships.
Author’s Notes : I am 27 and madly in love with my daughter’s father.. we are engaged and have a beautiful 2 year old daughter.. i love poetry, a good book, and singing
This is a short look at a friend’s way of dealing with the history of his native heritage; He had just toured a site where many of his people had been killed by US soldiers.
Author’s Notes : For years Mother over shadowed the story teller in me. While I still have young ones, it is time to let another side of me out to have some fun. I hope you can learn, smile, or even just feel when you read what I write. Enjoy and I hope to see you around.
10 Possessed Cats in Need of an Exorcism (WriteEditSeek)
Possessed-by-the-Devil kitties embrace the Evil One who has taken up residence in their souls…
Author’s Notes : I worked as an editor (primarily a history textbook editor) for a little over 10 years, but now I am working as a freelance writer. I have a BA in English and am currently working on an MS in Holistic Theology.
Five Misconceptions About Muslims and Islam (Zain Da Pain)
There are many misconceptions about Islam in the 21st century. Here are just 5 of the major ones.
Author Notes : Zain Da Pain is a young author from Canada.
The Internet and Globalization (Zunairah)
The positive and negative impacts of the internet on globalization.
Author’s Notes : I am zunairah from Pakistan and love to write articles.
A collection of poetry from Triond writers.For those unfamiliar, Triond is a social writing site; and a gathering forum for some of the best undiscovered talent on the internet. The list of authors, artists, and poets who have gone on to success is long and varied. Here you will find a collection of poems from some of the premier bards of today. You will find the collection amazingly diverse… men and women from all over the world; young and old. The styles vary greatly, from short tongue in cheek pieces to some rather epic in nature selections. From the macabre to romantic, all sorts frequent the halls of Triond.
So take a few moments out of your day to visit with the poets here. Rarely will you find a collection of work of this quality for free. Below, you will find a link for each of them, should you like their work… Triond is a good place to begin if you yourself are an aspiring writer…. you can find more info at Triond.com.
So without further ado, let’s meet our poets…
Click the title to read the poem…. if you like it, click on the author to see more of their work…
For those not members, signing up is easy. Click here.
For Triond members interested in being a part of Volume 5, send submissions via private message here.
“A Triond Christmas“ (By A.L.Smith )
“Just Get Out of Bed and Do It!“ (By B Nelson)
“There Are Angels All Around Us” (By Bo Jack Russo )
“For The Girl Next to Damon That Stinks Bad“ (By Brandon Lee McNaughton)
“One More Day“ (By BullwinkleMuse)
“Flaws” (BY cassandra antares)
“For Every Action There is an Equal and Opposite Reaction“ (By EYEAM4ANARCHY)
“To the Citizens of South Carolina: Forgive Me!” (By hfj)
“The Bells“ (By John Watson )
“My Brain Won’t Work Today“ (By Karen Gross )
“Ceramic Heart“ (By Katie Marie )
“Dream Fairy“ (By Lee Ness )
“Sigh, No Time to Write” (By littlekid137 )
“Crusty’s Cowboy Clowns“ (By maranatha)
“The Rainbow Maker” (By miraj)
“Afraid of the Light“ (By Mark Gordon Brown)
“Friends“ (By Misty Wood )
“Disseminated“ (By Mnofdichotomy )
“The Welcome“ (By Nicholas Peterson )
“Forgiveness“ (By Northernlight )
“Cycle of Life“ (By Ronne)
“My Moment of Realization“ (By Scarlett Donnely)
“The Dream” (By SheBear )
“One Touch“ (By Sheila M )
“Write About Writing“ (By Simplewriter )
“The Little Girl” (By Sonora)
“The Thing Within“ (By spiritwalker)
“Home“ (By Stephen J. Ardent)
“Everytime“ (By stuart harley )
“Upon The Stake” (By Theresa Johnson )
“Houses of Cards” (By Walter Holstad )
“He Sets the Captives Free“ (By wanjiku )
“My Life is Mediocre“ (By wazy23)Arrogant People Suck
Bo Jack Russo on Nov 27, 2008- Tags: double standard, imagined betterment over others, reflection of self in a mirror, walk on water
Bringing the self proclaimed great back down to earth.
Can you walk on water?
I don’t think you can,
Not until you pass
And walk with Jesus
Hand in hand,
No different from the rest
Just like an ordinary man.
You see yourself up high
With pretense all abound
You imagine you are better
Than us here on the ground,
You try to sit in judgment
Who anointed you with crown?
Why do you profess
Some sort of royalty?
Who the hell are you
To sit in judgment over me?
You talk like you’ve got power
Of God’s Eternity.
But you do not control me
Or anything I do
Don’t worry about me
You worry about you.
When your finger points at me
Three point back at you
In the mirror of this vision
The reflection
Is what’s true.
You preach a double standard
And I know the reason why
You imagine your self greatness
And pronounce yourself on High.
You paint a different picture
That is just a lie.
To hear you tell your story
You’d sit next to The Throne
You act like God Almighty
But you’re just flesh and bone.
As you look at that reflection
You will finally see
The person in the mirror
Is certainly not me.
I will never understand
Why you cannot see
The reflection of yourself
When you point at me.
So take a cleansing breath
Open up your eyes
And see with clarity,
That you aren’t any better,
Aren’t any better than me
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